Follow these steps to download, install, and trust the Cloudflare certificate on Mac.
Step 1) Download the Certificate
- Click the download button for the certificate and select the Mac tab
- Download the certificate for Mac devices.
Step 2) Install the Certificate
- Open the Certificate file you downloaded.
- You will get two notifications from Keychain Access; accept both and continue to Keychain Access.
Note: There is a bug on some Mac devices where Keychain Access will open completely blank. Switch between the "System Roots" and "System" sidebar menu items to refresh the UI; you'll need to be on the System keychain to continue.
Step 3) Trust the Certificate
- Right-click the certificate starting with "Gateway CA -" and with the red x icon, then choose "Get Info".
- Expand the Trust dropdown and choose to "Always Trust" the correct certificate.
- Other values should update. Note that if the certificate isn't manually trusted, the block page will not work.
- Confirm that block pages are working as expected. We strongly recommend using the Test Domains listed under Content Policy > Test Connection instead visiting blocked websites directly.